In some car accident cases, it is easy to determine who was at fault. For example, suppose a drunk driver runs through a red light and collides with an oncoming vehicle. In that case, the drunk driver is at fault and financially responsible for the victim’s injuries. In other cases, determining liability is not as easy. If you have been involved in a multi-vehicle car accident, you need a skilled personal injury lawyer who can help you determine who is at fault.

How to Determine Liability in a Multi-Vehicle Car Accident

The first step in determining liability is determining if one person’s negligence caused the car accident or if one person’s negligence started a chain reaction that caused the accident. Did multiple drivers act negligently or recklessly, contributing to the car accident? You will need to conduct a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the accident. The thought of conducting an investigation probably seems overwhelming, especially if you recently became seriously injured.

The experienced Missouri car accident lawyers at Griggs Injury Law are here to help you determine whether one or multiple people are liable for your injuries. We will interview witnesses to the car accident, gather the police report and other essential documents, and hire expert witnesses when necessary. We have a vast network of professionals with whom we work to determine fault in complicated car accidents.

We can work with an accident reconstruction specialist to recreate the car accident and determine whether one or more drivers were at fault. Our legal team does not stop until we get to the bottom of who was at fault in your car accident. Even though one driver may have set off the reaction that caused the accident, it is more than possible that multiple drivers’ negligence made the collision worse.

Many factors can contribute to a Missouri car accident, including the following:

  • Dangerous road conditions
  • The other driver’s distance from your vehicle
  • Speed of vehicles
  • Driving recklessly, drunk, or violating traffic laws
  • Distracted or inattentive driving
  • Road rage
  • Weather conditions such as fog, ice, rain and wind

Obtaining Compensation After a Multiple-Vehicle Crash

After our investigation, we will begin pursuing compensation on your behalf. Determining liability depends on your case’s specific facts, and we will use the evidence we gather to pursue a legal claim against the defendant. For example, if two different drivers caused the accident that led to your injuries, we can bring a lawsuit against both of them. Or, if one driver caused the accident, but his employer negligently hired him, we will pursue a claim against his employer. Our lawyers aggressively pursue compensation on behalf of our clients.

Contact an Experienced Missouri Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you have been involved in a multi-vehicle collision, you need an experienced and assertive attorney on your side. Contact Griggs Injury Law today to schedule your free initial consultation.