With more sports upcoming and watch parties in full swing, DUI and DWI offenses are on the rise. In Kansas City and around the entire nation, law enforcement agencies have geared up to catch motorists who may have imbibed in too much “cheer.” At Griggs Injury Law, LLC our personal injury attorneys are all too familiar with the devastating injuries caused by intoxicated and impaired drivers who cause automobile accidents.

Sporting events, such as baseball, basketball and football, are notoriously known for causing an increase in the number of drunk drivers on the road. In addition, holidays such as Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day also cause an increase during the warm summer months. During these events and celebrations, everyone is excited and happy. The wine, beer or other alcohol flows, sometimes with little thoughts as to consequences or safety. No one expects to become involved in an automobile accident, but it happens.

In the event an innocent victim is killed in a DUI accident, surviving family members may decide to file a wrongful death claim. In wrongful death cases caused by drunk drivers, family members of the victim basically work to recover the damages the deceased individual would have recovered had he/she lived as well as their loss of companionship, guidance, love and support of their family member. Family member damages may also include lost income, medical costs, and funeral/burial costs. Not only will an intoxicated driver who causes an accident face criminal charges, but they may are also subject to face civil consequences in the form of a lawsuit by the injured party to recover medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses.

If you are the victim of a drunk driving accident, it is important to know that you must speak with an experienced Kansas City personal injury lawyer before settling with the insurance company. These companies may undervalue your claim, deny it altogether, drag their feet in paying your claim, or use any number of tactics in order to get you to accept a settlement that is far less than you deserve. Once you have accepted a settlement and signed a Release, there is no going back. It is often possible for a skilled injury attorney to negotiate with the insurance company and defendant in order to collect the full compensation you deserve without having to file a lawsuit. However, if this is not effective, our firm will not hesitate to file a lawsuit against the defendant and his insurance company and take the matter to a jury trial.

We advise everyone to drive safely, have designated drivers so you can avoid having to hire a Kansas City DUI lawyer, take a cab, stay at a friend’s house, or have someone else drive you home. Do anything it takes to avoid driving while intoxicated and avoid riding in a car with anyone who has had too much to drink If you or your family member has been injured in an accident caused by an drunk driver, contact a capable and aggressive personal injury lawyer in Kansas City immediately to get information on how to best pursue your case. The attorneys at Griggs Injury Law, LLC are experienced in Kansas City and Missouri drunk driving automobile accident cases and will be happy to provide a free consultation for your case.