Suffering a traumatic brain injury is often life-altering. Brain injuries range in severity from concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries. Likewise, traumatic brain injury symptoms vary in severity from patient to patient. Even when TBI victims do not have “normal” brain injury, symptoms can include dizziness, headache, or nausea. If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, you will likely feel overwhelmed. Many traumatic brain injury myths exist, confusing those recently diagnosed with a TBI. Ruling out these myths will help you move forward with your treatment plan.

Myth: The Symptoms of TBI Happen Immediately

When people hear the word “traumatic,” they often assume that victims will immediately have severe brain injury symptoms. On the contrary, not all traumatic brain injuries lead to immediate symptoms like personality changes, loss of memory, or poor cognitive abilities. Not every TBI injury is instant. In many cases, victims do not experience significant symptoms right away. It can take hours for TBI victims to begin to experience symptoms, which is why it is crucial to undergo a comprehensive medical evaluation.

Myth: Helmets Prevent TBI Injuries

Helmets do reduce the risk of brain injuries, but they do not prevent them. Helmets do provide the head with a cushion, which reduces the impact from a forceful blow. Helmets can also protect the head from penetrating wounds. However, helmets do not always protect victims from severe TBI injuries, though they may decrease the victim’s risk of death.

Myth: If You Do Not Lose Consciousness, You Do Not Have a TBI

This is one of the most well-known traumatic brain injury myths. Victims of TBI injuries do not need to lose consciousness to suffer from brain injuries. Those who suffer mild brain injuries may not even lose consciousness. Victims can become perplexed, disoriented, or feel dazed after a traumatic brain injury without losing consciousness.

Myth: Mild TBIs Symptoms Will Go Away in a Month

Recent research has shown us that even those who suffer from a mild TBI case, also called a concussion, can have ongoing symptoms. While some concussion victims recover within a month or less, others may experience ongoing symptoms that last up to three years or more. Those who experience continuing symptoms are typically diagnosed with persistent post-concussion syndrome.

Myth: TBI Victims Gradually Become Better

Every case of TBI is different. In some cases, patients make steady, positive progress. In other cases, patients may take one step forward and two steps back. Healing looks different for every patient and depends on the severity of the brain injury, the victim’s health, and the injury’s location.

Contact an Experienced TBI Lawyers Today

At Griggs Injury Law, we have a proven track record of obtaining compensation for our clients who have experienced TBI injuries. If you or your loved one have suffered a TBI injury, we are here to help. Contact our law firm as soon as possible to schedule your free initial consultation.