Injuries Commonly Caused by Slip and Fall Accidents

Injuries Commonly Caused by Slip and Fall Accidents

Every year, slip and fall accidents lead to over 9 million emergency room visits in the United States. Additionally, slip and fall accidents are among the most common causes of unintentional death in the United States. Many slips and fall accidents are mild, and...
Understanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Understanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Crush injuries are common in severe personal injury accidents. Workplace accidents, car accidents, and other types of accidents can cause a person’s hands or feet to become crushed. When patients experience crush injuries to their feet and hands, they are more...
Types of Multiple-Vehicle Car Accidents

Types of Multiple-Vehicle Car Accidents

In Missouri, severe snow and storms have contributed to several serious car accidents, including a multiple-vehicle crash in Cass County, Missouri. A semi-truck became jackknifed and blocked all of the Northbound Lanes past 291 Highway. Several vehicles were involved...